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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speak your truth quietly and clearly - Desiderata

Speak your truth quietly and clearly.
Many of us avoid confrontations. Like me, I'd rather write you a letter than tell it straight to your face. Because of that, I am often misunderstood. Avoiding my confrontations most often than not leads to more disaster. 

As my great dictum states, SPEAK YOUR TRUTH QUIETLY AND CLEARLY. No need to make a scene. No more misunderstandings.

I found these on, tips on confrontations. 

Confront in private, not in public – Don’t create a scene, or embarrass someone. Have some wisdom and find a quiet place.
Don’t delay – The longer you wait, the harder it becomes and the easier it is to justify why you should leave it alone -
Deal only with a single iusse – Don’t bring a laundry list and attempt to address every issue that is on your mind. It may be overwhelming.
Don’t repeat yourself – Unless they didn’t hear what was being said, avoid be redundant. Most people comprehend the issues being presented.
Be careful of the words you use -  Don’t be condescending and don’t exaggerate of overstate your issues.
Don’t confront issues that a person can’t change – There are some issues beyond a persons ability to control. Be sensitive to the battles you choose to face.
Avoid demeaning or tearing the person down -  Talk to the person, don’t talk down to the person.
Help direct the person to acknowledging their problem by asking open ended questions -  You might consider asking questions that cause them to own the problem.
Don’t apologize for being truthful – Being sheepish will only minimize the truth that you are trying to communicate.
End on a positive note -  Reaffirm your support, thank them for listening and communicate your commitment to forgive and move forward. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Remember what peace there may be in silence - desiderata

do you still remember the last time you were still?

In silence, you hear yourself think
In silence, you hear yourself answer
Hitting rock bottom might force you to sit still. Be silent.
For in silence, you find inner peace.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Go placidly amid the noise and haste - desiderata

I admire people who take time. In this day and age, you hardly find someone who actually savors every waking moment, WHO ACTUALLY SIEZE THE DAY. Whoever wrote the Desiderata probably had the best life ever lived.

In fact, I read a bible passage that changed my life.

This is from Eccl 3:1

Take time to think. It is the source of power
Take time to read. It is the foundation of wisdom
Take time to play. It is the secret to perpetual  youth
Take time to be quiet. It is the opportunity to seek God
Take time to be aware. It is the opportunity to help others
Take time to love and be loved. It is God's greatest gift
Take time to laugh. It is the music to the soul
Take time to be friendly. It is the road to happiness
Take time to dream. It is what the future is made of
Take time to pray. It is the greatest power on earth
There is a time for everything.


Get rich quick scheme anyone?

Just yesterday, I thought I was spammed. 

I am spiraling over the turn of my life events because law school seems to be taking forever for me! I really need to make money. So I surfed the web for online jobs and actually found some. I registered but sadly, the income is depressing. 

Data entry jobs makes you type 1000 characters before you can earn .30 USD = 12 PHP! 
Paid to click websites pays you a tenth of a penny (0.01 USD =  43/100 PHP) for clicking an ad

I'm not sure if there are more securing online jobs out there but the ones I found are definitely not worth it.

Then out of desperation.... 

I came along this website  that gave me the feeling that this is it. I know! Most of you might think that I shouldn't have. 

I clicked the Buy Now button. Paid for it. and waited...waited.. but no ebook.

I got so frustrated that I thought I was spammed. 

I didn't realize right away that my payment redirected me to another page. So I got the download. I now know the secrets to PTC advertising. I just wanted to share this all to you. I finally found a legit online business. -- try the link. No risks. :) 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Happiness Project (Day 6)

Find a reason to be happy

For weeks straight. I have been depressed. I am so down, I don't even feel like trying. Up to this very moment I am writing this, I am still depressed. It's the bitterness reigning over me lately.

and to end all this, I want to be truly honest with myself. I am sad because...

*Mommy has everything she wants. A new car that she promised to give me but never did but instead got one herself. A career. A lover who I hate the most. All the money she needs... And yet, I cannot understand why she can't let me be happy too? She's too proud when handing me money (making me feel even lower than I already am). She won't allow any of my guests in the house whenever she is not around (I have to spend money to host them outside). She doesn't want me to spend quality breakfast time with someone I really want to be with. I feel she's being too selfish.

But I also feel that I am being too narrow.

She deserves everything she has. The car she owns, she earned every bolt. The career she's in, she worked like a donkey to get into. And even if I hate her boyfriend WITH EVERY BONE IN MY BODY, she also has every right to love and be loved.

My mom, even as an uncompromising authoritarian that she is, I love her so much.
I'm happy because she has been blessed with another year of life. Turning 53 today, I can see her standing on the topmost pedestal. My mom is living a wonderful life and I should be happy for her. 


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happiness Project (Day 5)

Day 5

I fell in love with the wild waters

For a sweet escape, I went to a very special place.

Beforehand, I was too depressed. I am having an internal crisis. I didn't think it was possible for me. I was always happy. Always high. This weekend was not for me. I fell. My life was a wreck. 

Who could have thought that the waves will wash away everything? It was definitely a sweet escape. I fell in love with the wild waters. and that love. that love is perfect. 

A beautiful sunset